California Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Many types of accidents and injuries can happen while you are working – whether or not you work in an inherently dangerous industry. When you sustain an injury on the job, you may need medical care and time away from work while you recover, and you deserve to receive the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve under California law. The following are some questions our workers’ compensation lawyers in Southern California regularly hear from prospective clients.

  • Who qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits?

    All California employers should have workers’ compensation insurance that should cover you under the following circumstances:

    • You are an employee (not an independent contractor)
    • You suffered an injury or illness in the course of your employment

    In short, if you have a job-related injury or illness, you should qualify for benefits.

  • Is my injury too minor to file a claim?

    Many people fail to file a workers’ compensation claim because they do not think their injury is “serious enough.” However, even seemingly minor injuries require medical attention. A doctor’s appointment or trip to the emergency room costs money, and you should have those costs covered. Workers’ compensation benefits should cover:

    • All medical expenses
    • A percentage of wages lost from missing work
    • Disability benefits if you cannot work for a longer period of time

    If you incurred any medical expenses or lost income from your injuries, you should always file a claim.

  • Do I need a lawyer for a workers’ compensation claim?

    A lawyer is not required for a claim, but the right law firm can help you in many ways. A Southern California workers’ compensation attorney can ensure you meet all deadlines and requirements during the claims process, can advise you of steps to take to protect your rights, can appeal a claim denial, and more.

Call for a Free Consultation with a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Southern California

After a workplace injury, the legal team at Jackson & Jackson is ready to help. Call 714-942-4655 or contact us online for a free case evaluation today.

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